
Types of contract access

There are 2 types of contract access

  • Write - Instantiate a contract with a signer/executor. You can broadcast transactions and read contract's tables

  • Read only - Instantiate a contract without a signer/executor. You can only read the contract's tables

In the case of local development a default signer/executor is set to eosio account for you

In the case of non-local development, default signer is undefined

fromFile(abi/abiPath, contractName, ?executor)

You can provide the ABI in two ways

  • The whole ABI

  • The ABI path


  • executor - Default account

// Local network initialization
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();

const CONTRACT_NAME = 'mycontract';
// Pre-created local network account
const CONTRACT_EXECUTOR = eoslime.Account.load('myaccount', 'privateKey');
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';

const contract = eoslime.Contract.fromFile(ABI_PATH, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_EXECUTOR);

If you don't provide CONTRACT_EXECUTORthe provider default account will be applied as executor

at(contractName, ?executor)

This function is useful when you want to read the ABI from the blockchain instead of providing it as a path


  • executor - Default account

// Local network initialization
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();

const CONTRACT_NAME = 'mycontract';
// Pre-created local network account
const CONTRACT_EXECUTOR = eoslime.Account.load('myaccount', 'privateKey');

const contract = await, CONTRACT_EXECUTOR);

If you don't provide CONTRACT_EXECUTORthe provider default account will be applied as executor



You can process some logic every time a new contract is instantiated.

eoslime.Contract.on('init', (contract) => 
                // do some custom logic

Last updated