Version 1.0.4
eoslime nodeos
eoslime nodeos start --path="Some path" Run local predefined single node chain
eoslime nodeos stop Stop single node chain started by eoslime nodeos start
eoslime nodeos accounts Show preloaded accounts on eoslime nodeos start
eoslime nodeos logs Show chain logs
Account.create(name, privateKey, ?creator)
There are cases you have already generated your private key and you have a name for your account. You only need to create it on the chain.
Contract.deployRaw(wasm, abi, ?options)
Used for deploying a contract from WASM string and ABI in JSON format A typical use case for deployRaw
is in CI/CD. You don't want to compile your contract every time, however your tests needs WASM and ABI. A good approach is to deploy your contract on a test network like Jungle one and retrieve its WASM and ABI for your tests.
Contract.deployRawOnAccount(wasm, abi, account, ?options)
Used for deploying a contract from WASM string and ABI in JSON format
Returns contract ABI in JSON format
Returns raw WASM useful for deploying another contract directly
Returns contract ABI in JSON format
Returns contract raw WASM
Last updated